First steps for the protection of the Copiapó Valley as a site of importance for the Black Rail
Black Rail Photo Courtesy of Pablo Gutierrez
The Bird Conservation Fund (BCF) is teaming up with Red de Observadores de Aves y Vida Silvestre de Chile (ROC) to raise $8,938 to initiate conservation planning to protect Black Rail in Chile’s Copiapó Valley.
Despite being a species with a wide distribution in the Americas, its presence is restricted to some areas with suitable habitat, which are increasingly degraded or have simply disappeared. According to the latest assessment of the status of the species, it is 'Endangered', a category justified because "This species has been undergoing rapid declines in parts of its range in North America due to the loss and degradation of its habitat, and similarly rapid declines are expected throughout its full range" (Birdlife 2023). Its global population is estimated at 10,000-49,999 mature individuals.
In Chile, the salinasi subspecies of Black Rail is found mainly in coastal and inland wetlands in the central- south part of the country. Its distribution and identification of sites of importance has been recently updated after a citizen science project executed by ROC between 2020 and 2023 (supported by NBC Conservation Fund), in which 12 new localities were found for the species, extending its regular presence in the south and north of the country. In addition, 3 sites of importance for the species were identified: the Copiapó valley in Atacama region, the mouth of the Maipo river in the Valparaíso region and two adjacent wetlands on the Bío- Bío (Rocuant-Andalién and Lenga).
The Copiapó River Valley stands out among the sites, where the presence of Black Rail had not been previously described and constitutes the northern range of its regular distribution in Chile. The year-round presence of the species at the site has been confirmed, and records of almost 50 individuals in a single day in the field suggest an abundance of hundreds, representing a very high number for the species globally.
Although the Copiapó River mouth is a protected site, most of the habitat and population of Black Rail in the area is up the valley, up to 25 km. The Copiapó riverbed is an unprotected public ownership land, with surrounding private sites that are used for agricultural activity and some artisanal uses, but with a growing threat of urbanization. In this context, the present project seeks to initiate the first steps for the conservation of the Copiapó Valley as a site of importance for the Black Rail.
General Objective:
Gather information to justify and make feasible the protection of the Black Rail habitat in the Copiapó Valley.
Specific Objectives:
Characterize the abundance and spatio-temporal habitat use of the Black Rail in the Copiapó Valley
Characterize other possible conservation targets in the valley that could justify formal protection.
Characterize the ownership and current uses of the land adjacent to the riverbed.
Characterize the perception of the site's inhabitants about the ecological value of the site and potential uses of the territory.
Mapping of owners and inhabitants of sites adjacent to the public property (riverbed) based on public information and site visits.
Survey of perceptions of inhabitants and/or owners of the site on the ecological value of the site and potential uses of the territory, through face-to-face interviews.
Compilation of previous background information on the ecological characterization of the site.
Estimate abundance of Black Rail through point-counts surveys (reproductive season) 2-day surveys (4-6 people).
Describe temporary presence and daily activity through ARU (4 Audiomoths), during complete season
General information gathering on flora and fauna and threats of the Copiapó Valley through 4 field campaigns (1 day, 2 people).
Preparation of a summary dossier with a characterization of the site and its ecological relevance, use of the area by Black Rail, identification of properties, boundaries and current land use.
Workshop to present the results to the regional authorities and send a formal request for protection of the site.
Summary dossier with a characterization of the site for conservation.
Formal proposal of the area to be protected to authorities
Scientific manuscript on the relevance of the site to Black Rail